Exhibiting at trade shows provides your company an excellent chance to personally market your service or product to a large segment of your target market, and a chance to receive the exposure your company may not be able to get with other ways of marketing. Each exhibitor is vying for attendees’ attention at these shows, so it is imperative that you have a sound strategy that not only allows your company to stand out from your competition, but to also be remembered by attendees long after the show ends.

Studies conducted by the Center for Exhibition Industry Research have found that visitors peruse a display about 3 to 5 seconds before making the decision to walk on or stop to talk. A trade show booth design that grabs their attention is one of the most crucial keys to whether or not your show is a successful one. Exhibitors regularly ask us, how can they create that first impression which will not only get attendees to stop, but to also keep them at their booth longer. There are many ways to do that, but we are going to touch on the five most critical ones.
Top 5 Keys to Effective Trade Show Booth Design
#1. Graphics – Depending on the design of your booth, there should be plenty of real-estate for your graphics. It is essential to utilize graphics that fit the specific area, are colorful, and are sharp looking. Maximizing your graphics real-estate will be eye-catching, will make your display stand out, and is a great opportunity to communicate your brand, message, and/or your product(s). Whether the graphic shows your service in action or transmits your service solution, it is essential to make your message go beyond words.
#2. Logo & Branding – Your logo and company name should definitely be front and center. Not only at eye-level, but also placed in different locations throughout the display. Placing a link to your website and/or a QR code enables attendees to go back and look over your company at their leisure. Along with your logo and company name, be sure to include your tagline that will communicate your message
#3. Lighting – Lighting when used effectively definitely attracts attention as well as increases your booth’s display appeal. By utilizing lighting effectively, your booth visitors can better focus on the message you are wanting to convey to them. Using the right lighting adds depth to your exhibit space by illuminating back walls, side walls, and shadowed areas. LED lit furniture is another great way to attract attention. Check out our LED lit furniture options!
#4. Technology & Interaction – We all know technology is constantly evolving, which allows companies to continually evolve different ways of communicating there message and garnering attention to their booth. In today’s trade show environment, there are many different ways to utilize the latest technology along with adding interaction to be able to communicate with your attendees at various levels. The most effective uses of technology will result in prompting a conversation. Your goal is not only to attract attention, but it is to keep their attention which is done through the various avenues of interaction. Utilizing social media is very effective, and makes your booth relevant to the average attendee.
#5 Furniture – Choosing furniture that is not only stylish but is comfortable is often overlooked however is one of the keys to having an effective trade show booth design. It is all about standing out from your competition. There are many trade show furniture rental options to choose from which will enhance your design while still being affordable. By giving your booth visitors a place to sit, they will stay longer thus giving you the opportunity to do what you do best. Take a look at our extensive furniture collection.
Choosing a trade show booth rental company that truly grasps these concepts will provide you not only with a less stressful exhibiting planning experience, but will also be easier to stay within your budget. LV Exhibit Rentals in Las Vegas is your one-stop shop for trade show booth rentals, furniture rentals, , audio visual rentals, and computer rentals.